What are Your Salary Expectations? Strategic Answer Tips
Job interviews are one of the most stressful situations anyone can face in their lives. They are unavoidable, and preparing for them feels like a professional athlete’s training for a marathon or a medical student’s final graduation exam.
You’re at an interview. Everything is going smoothly, then you’re hit with that straightforward question, “What are you looking for in terms of salary?” Yet the answer is so complex. It’s difficult to know what to say (and what not to say) so that you receive a job offer that’s a win for both yourself and the company.
Why do interviewers ask about your expected salary? Employers could inquire about your availability to determine whether they can pay for your assistance. They might ask you this question to gauge how highly you regard yourself and your job.
You can show the company that you are flexible with your compensation and that you are aware of your worth by doing some research and preparing an answer in advance.

“While you want to aim high, you also don’t want to aim so high that you put yourself out of the company’s salary range.”
Some paper and electronic applications require you to list your salary expectations. One option is to simply skip this question. However, if it’s listed as a required question and you skip it, you’ll have to give a non-biased answer that will guarantee, or at least cast some light on your CV, that you’ll get noticed. Here are some options for a reasonable answer:
- Put in a salary range based on your research.
- Write a phrase like “negotiable” to demonstrate your flexibility.
- Avoid putting down one specific salary. This will make it seem like you’re unwilling to budge.
A little research will help you come up with a reasonable salary range to suggest when asked about your expectations, but remember to follow your gut. You don’t want to go to the hiring manager with a salary range that is way too high or way too low.
However, it all boils down to the actual atmosphere of the interview. You should possess the skills to read the interviewer’s body language to come up with the proper response.
You will come back to whether heshe would be flexible and cooperative with the sort of answer-like questions you will come back with. And in the end, your utmost hope is to leave that interview satisfied and pleased with your answers, looking forward to a positive reply!